Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Conflict: How We Do It on the Discovery Channel

Conflict. I’ve had my share with several people in the past several weeks, culminating yesterday with the end to a long term relationship. Somehow many believe that we are supposed to live without conflict, but I look to nature and see what the animals do. Oh, yes, there is conflict in nature. I see the monkeys furiously fighting over food and territory and other issues; same with the macaws, dolphins, down to the hermit crabs. But the difference is in how they do it. They express themselves fully, they let it out, they GET ANGRY, and then they let it go. Five minutes later, they are swinging, swimming and pruning each other. Animals do not hold onto the anger because they have expressed it fully, said their truth and let it go. That is what happened yesterday. I gotta say I was ANGRY and I expressed it fully and so did he. We went our separate ways. Today when he showed up, there was nothing but big smiles, hugs and a renewed friendship that will take a different form. It’s not about not having conflict, it’s about expressing your truth, letting it out and letting it go. And THAT, baby, is how we do it on the Discovery Channel!!

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