Monday, August 19, 2013


(August 17, 2013)
It just amazes me how many things are clicking into place right now. It's as if the switch has been turned on and many dreams, goals and inspirations are coming together like magic, all at once, even on things I've wanted to create on for many years.

All of a sudden I have all these projects I am working on, and all the right people and resources are showing up out of the blue and right on cue. One magical thing and opportunity after another... and I just gotta say... I AM LOVING THIS!

Thank you, Magical Universe, Divine Spirit, All That Is. I so trust your Divine Timing and Orchestration. You Rock and it is an honor and a pleasure to be co-creating with you.



‪#‎magicaluniverse‬ ‪#‎sierragoodman‬
 — at Drake Bay, Costa Rica.

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