Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Start Telling a New Story!

What story about your life do you tell to yourself and others? When someone asks how you are doing, do you go into a tale of how your husband doesn't treat you well, or how you got screwed in the divorce, that your kids are losers, that you have this illness and that pain, that you can't seem to do anything right, that you'll never be thin, that you are broke, or some other sad story?

The story that you focus on and tell on a consistent basis is what you are creating more of in your life. We get what we focus on. Every time. By speaking constantly of the things we don't want, we create more of it in our lives. We speak of it to anyone who will listen, we join groups about it, we tweet about it, we blog about it, and there it is. Always. More of what we don't want. Created by ourselves by focusing on the things we don't want and holding them close to us.

But what if we start to tell the story how we want it? What if when someone asks how we are, we focus on all the GOOD in our lives. What if we start creating a new story? A great example of this is a woman who wrote to me with a long, sad story detailing what she wanted to do, but all the reasons why she couldn't do them. She was limiting herself and holding herself back with her own words. This is what I wrote to her:

Now take a few minutes and write the story the way you want it to be, with the outcome that you want. If your heart is in the writing of the story the way you want it to be, then you will feel the shift of energy for that to actually begin to manifest. Remember, you can be do and have anything you want. Continue only to write and tell the story the way you want it to be and this creates the passionate and positive energy flow to make all of it come to pass quickly and easily.

I cried tears of joy when she wrote back to me:

Thank you for your email - you are right. I have re-read your email a few times and I do agree...I have re-written my story. I carry it with me everywhere I go and I look at it when I feel slightly down. I thought I would share it with you:

"I am a beautiful woman with exotic features and a gorgeous body. I am at my perfect weight all the time. I love my body and feed it well - I follow whatever my palette desires, food is indeed my friend. I love my work-outs and dressing up in the morning - this is my time to re-connect with myself and revel in the joy of being ME. Life is very natural and easy for me, I receive ABUNDANCE in all areas of my life - health, wealth, professionally and in all my relationships. All opportunities are presented to me in good time, in alignment with my vibrational offering. I believe that all is vibration and I believe in miracles. I thoroughly enjoy what I do for a living. I believe strongly that personal power comes in pursuit of one's passion. I believe I can have it all - and I know it will come easily to me. As I begin to become clear about my career and its path, I will begin to see progress, change and success. I am surrounded my endless opportunities for success and I am not limited by my current place of residence. There are many like me who have desired their jobs into being and I can do the same. I am an inspiration to myself first and I am bound for success!"

This is how to tell a new story! Stop talking about the things that you don't like and want to let go of. Start talking about the things that you want to come to pass as if you have them right now. Practice telling your new story as often as you can. It might take you a while to stop telling your old one since you have been telling it for so long. But you will soon see that you stop yourself when the old story begins to come out and instead you tell your new one. And then it will become automatic and you will be amazed how quickly your new story becomes reality. The faster you become it, the faster it becomes you!


  1. Thank you for reminding me to speak good things and good things will come. To me this is the same as saying "you reap what you sow". If I sow positive seeds of self-encouragement then I will harvest fruit of health and success. Keep spreading the love.

  2. Thank you for also reminding me of the laws of attraction. I've seen so many dvd's and listen to tons of audio of Abraham, but somehow forgot to put it into practise. I've been miserable with my body for such a long time, but the beat of my drum has been 'i'm putting on so much weight, i hate my body' and that's what's been happening! I've no boyfriend in my life and also been saying 'i'll never find a man here' and that's what's been happening, so thank you. off to write my new story now :)

  3. That's so awesome! Remember you can have it all, so don't be chintzy with your new story. Tell it how you want it to be! <3
