Monday, July 29, 2013

Claiming Our Worthiness. Why Do We Ever Doubt It?

I was talking with a friend recently 
about worthiness and how we let others define our own worthiness for us. She told me about a teacher who told her she could do nothing right and she believed that for many years. I had a teacher who didn't like me either and she was very obvious about the kids she did like and I allowed that to make me feel “less than” and left out. That feeling followed me around for many years. 

We were also talking about how others talk bad about us or others and I told her how it used to affect me and now, especially living here in a small town, I have learned to laugh it off. I mean, I have had people say I burned the next door neighbors’ bar down, that I have sunk people’s boats and one very angry and jealous guy around here, after we fired him, went on a vendetta against me and passed around rumors such as that I used the name Sierra (my real name is Shari) because INTERPOL is after me. It makes me laugh because INTERPOL would have to be very stupid if they were looking for me as I fly in and out of Costa Rica regularly… but people actually believed him.

He has tried to not only ruin my reputation but that of my foundation also and at first I would get quite upset about it because not only was he affecting me, but also others working for my foundation... and the very dolphins and whales that we were trying to protect… but then I realized… anyone who has to speak bad about anyone else, and especially flat out lies, doesn't feel good about himself or herself. If they did, they wouldn't have to try to put down or take down others, they would uplift instead. And my getting upset about it didn't help the situation, it only fed it and took away from my JOY time! It was never about me!! It is about THEM!!

So instead of letting it upset me, I have learned to feel compassion for this person who is obviously hurting so much inside (despite acting very macho) and very much lacking in his own self-worth and self-love.

Why do we ever, ever, ever allow others to make us feel unworthy, less than or in any way bad about ourselves?

Why do we ever, ever, ever allow others to take our own power and divinity away from us?

Why do we ever, ever, ever give power to rumors and small talk and small minds?

Why do we ever, ever, ever allow people to not treat us with love and respect?


Soooo, I hereby and heretofore declare that anything anyone ever said to you that made you feel less than, unworthy and/or unloved is and was not true. EVER.

I hereby and heretofore declare that anything anyone ever said to you that made you feel less than, unworthy and/or unloved came from THEIR own lack of self-worth and self-love and had NOTHING to do with YOU.

I hereby and heretofore declare that anything anyone ever said to you that made you feel less than, unworthy and/or unloved is now erased, undone, forgiven and forgotten and you take your own power back NOW.

Release, Relax, Re-invent. The drama is over. Your life begins NOW.


Love, ~  Sierra Goodman  ~

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