Sunday, November 4, 2012

Get on the Dream Train

Gently guide yourself towards your dreams in all your waking hours. Be your own observer. Lovingly ask yourself: Will the action I am about to take bring me in the direction that I want to go? Are my dreams and desires and visions for the highest good for all concerned? Are the thoughts I am thinking what I want to create? Are the words I am speaking in line with who I really am? If not, gently and with love, make the shift in focus and action and get back on the Dream Train, Baby! ~ ♥ Sierra Goodman ♥ ~


  1. ok, here's the thing: i've written to you before, & i totally hear what you're saying & i know it's the truth, but i'm STILL struggling! i've stopped "trying" & "pushing" & i'm telling myself to just allow & flow. BUT, i have no steady income & i've been applying for jobs like crazy (jobs i don't really want, mind you, so i know that's why i'm not getting them, ARGHH!)....therein lies my problem....i'm contradicting myself. i want a job because i need an income but i don't really want a "job"....i'm not afraid of working, mind you, i want to contribute & take care of my daughters....on what level am i NOT allowing? then i get frustrated, which i know is not in alignment with my higher self & my true desires, but how can i not get frustrated? i just want to find something i love to do & get paid for it, but in the meantime my rent is 5 days late & my kids need clothes & books for feels like reality is in the way....

  2. Well, you answered your own question. You are contradicting yourself by applying for jobs you don't want. Allow in that you can have a job or create a job and by JOB I mean JOY OF BEING, that is everything you want. Don't settle, your whole being is rebelling against settling. Make a list of EVERYTHING you want in a job, picture yourself there, feel it, smell it, BE it and ALLOW IT IN. You deserve it, you are worthy, you can have a JOB that inspires both yourself and others. You CAN have everything, trust me on this. Reality is only in the way if you put up roadblocks to your true dreams and desires.
